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Saturday 7 February 2015

Importance of English Language in Today's World, by Fatma Taqi Grade 11

Can anyone live without speaking English? Of course, it is possible to live, but it is very tough. English has become a universal language. It is the second most spoken in the world, that is very important for everyone, in order to be able to communicate with people from all over the world.

In fact. English is very useful. It enables people to work with technology gadgets given that they mostly use English. It is also important in many jobs, so learning English secures one's future. Moreover, it enables people to communicate with each other and with no problems in understanding each other. It is the language of modernity.

English language, on the other hand has various disadvantages. One of these is that it causes many mother tongues to either disappear or become inorigional because of the English words that come in between. In addition, it removes the identities and cultures of other countries and languages, making some people with no recognised history.

English can be both a blessing and a curse.

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