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Sunday 15 February 2015

Invitation to a Birthday Party, by Hussain Ali AL-lawati Grade 11

Subject: Invitation to my birthday party.

Hello friend,
In an attempt to appear sophisticated, I decided to Email you rather than text you. How are you doing? How is school?

16 years ago on the 22nd of October, celestial bodies of the sky exhibited abnormal behaviour. That was because I was born, as you should be able to deduce. To revive that day in your lives, I decided to throw a party on the day following my birthday, Thursday, the 23rd of October. To save you the trouble of trying to remember the way, I attached a map to my house, where the party will be. You ought to come at 7 P.M. sharp, which means that there will probably be no one till 7:30.

I am looking forward to seeing you in a few days, remember, my house, Thursday, 7 P.M.
-Hussain Ali Al-Lawati

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