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Sunday 15 February 2015

Physical Education Should be Compulsory in Schools? - Agree or Disagree?, By Alaa Al-Jamalani Grade 11

"Stay fit and healthy" they always say that, but why? What's exactly physical education? What are the differences between education and physical education? Education means; when you sit and receive different information and learn them. But, when it comes to physical education, it actually means moving around, and moving your whole body by doing different moves and exercises.

However, in every school around the world, there is the "Physical Education" known as "PE" subject. Some students enjoy it, but some don't. Indeed, physical education helps with your blood circulation, and keeps you fit and healthy. Many students love this subject because they actually refresh their mind and get rid of boredom. So obviously, if you exercise, you'll stay fit and healthy without getting any health issues when you grow up.

But on the other hand, some students hate this subject because of the teachers. So basically, the teachers have a role by deciding whether a student love/hate the subject. Unfortunately, some sports aren't available at schools, such as swimming. There is chance of physical hurt, some people actually fall and break their leg.

Finally, physical education has both pros and cons. In my opinion, you should exercise and stay fit and healthy, but on the other hand, teachers shouldn't force students to play, and let them play whatever they want.

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