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Sunday 15 February 2015

Physical Education Should be Compulsory in Schools? - Agree or Disagree?, By Alaa Al-Jamalani Grade 11

"Stay fit and healthy" they always say that, but why? What's exactly physical education? What are the differences between education and physical education? Education means; when you sit and receive different information and learn them. But, when it comes to physical education, it actually means moving around, and moving your whole body by doing different moves and exercises.

However, in every school around the world, there is the "Physical Education" known as "PE" subject. Some students enjoy it, but some don't. Indeed, physical education helps with your blood circulation, and keeps you fit and healthy. Many students love this subject because they actually refresh their mind and get rid of boredom. So obviously, if you exercise, you'll stay fit and healthy without getting any health issues when you grow up.

But on the other hand, some students hate this subject because of the teachers. So basically, the teachers have a role by deciding whether a student love/hate the subject. Unfortunately, some sports aren't available at schools, such as swimming. There is chance of physical hurt, some people actually fall and break their leg.

Finally, physical education has both pros and cons. In my opinion, you should exercise and stay fit and healthy, but on the other hand, teachers shouldn't force students to play, and let them play whatever they want.

My Dream, by Alaa Al-Jamalani Grade 11

It was  11 P.M. when the moon shone like a diamond, when the wind was so cold, and the birds flew away. It was so dark and late, so I decided to sleep. "WOW WOW! Where am I? OH  hold on! It's America!"
"Welcome to Hollywood" the woman announced.

I took the microphone, and started singing on stage, I acted even. "It's time to publish stories and quotes" "Done! Got published" the woman said. I thanked her with all my heart.

I walked to the bookshop and found my stories all around the bookshop! "WOW!" I yelled.

Everything felt so real, but once I opened my eyes, guess what?
It was only just a dream.

Oman, by Alaa Al-Jamalani Grade 11

The shining sun in the sky,
The luminous stars up so high,
The crashing wonderful waves,
Oh, it's the beautiful nation Oman,

We live under your sky,
We  drink from your ocean,
And here we are,
Holding the angelic flag,
Red, green and white,
The colour of the jewelleries.

44 years have passed,
We counted days and nights,
And proved how Oman,
SHifted to modernity,

May Allah bless you Sultan,
You're the pride,
and you'll always be the pride,
May God protect you Oman,
May God protect you Oman.

Invitation to a Birthday Party, by Hussain Ali AL-lawati Grade 11

Subject: Invitation to my birthday party.

Hello friend,
In an attempt to appear sophisticated, I decided to Email you rather than text you. How are you doing? How is school?

16 years ago on the 22nd of October, celestial bodies of the sky exhibited abnormal behaviour. That was because I was born, as you should be able to deduce. To revive that day in your lives, I decided to throw a party on the day following my birthday, Thursday, the 23rd of October. To save you the trouble of trying to remember the way, I attached a map to my house, where the party will be. You ought to come at 7 P.M. sharp, which means that there will probably be no one till 7:30.

I am looking forward to seeing you in a few days, remember, my house, Thursday, 7 P.M.
-Hussain Ali Al-Lawati

Saturday 7 February 2015

E-mail to your Friend Regarding Exam Preparations, by Hussain Ali Al-lawati Grade 11

Subject: Exam preparations.

Dear friends,
Greetings to all.

Exams have diminished every single ray of light in my life last year; I regret that. Please find some tips enclosed in this email. Hopefully, you can cultivate those tips to their full extent.

"Studying is no fun", please erase that thought in this very instant. ALways be optimistic, especially when it comes to your studies. To induce such motivation, and to maintain it, search within for your goals and purposes. ALways keep those in mind, but don't forget, internal thoughts can be distracted by current distractions. Always keep devices away from you when you study. Finally, to be able to actually comprehend whatever it is that you are studying, eat, sleep and exercise!

Best of luck,
your friend, Hussain.

Importance of English Language Today, by Hussain Ali Al-lawati Grade 11

What is the most important job requirement for most occupations? For many jobs, English is the answer. It is, however, not only important in the workplace. The language is useful in many applications. English is the second most spoken language in the world. It also includes words from many languages and places. This just makes it easier for people to embrace the language.

Having such a widespread language makes it much easier to communicate with others, especially from other parts of the worlds. The fact that English contains many borrowed words supplements its spreading, and importance in result. Its simplicity makes it one of the strongest candidates for the position of a universal language.

English is starting to dominate many fields, and while this is happening, many mother languages are being forgotten. The transfer of the language also takes lots of the culture along with it, on the account of the traditions of the country. The language is also accused to be poor, mostly because of its simplicity.

The cream on the cake is that despite the shot comings, English is still very important, and that importance is strongly deserved.

Importance of English Language in Today's World, by Fatma Taqi Grade 11

Can anyone live without speaking English? Of course, it is possible to live, but it is very tough. English has become a universal language. It is the second most spoken in the world, that is very important for everyone, in order to be able to communicate with people from all over the world.

In fact. English is very useful. It enables people to work with technology gadgets given that they mostly use English. It is also important in many jobs, so learning English secures one's future. Moreover, it enables people to communicate with each other and with no problems in understanding each other. It is the language of modernity.

English language, on the other hand has various disadvantages. One of these is that it causes many mother tongues to either disappear or become inorigional because of the English words that come in between. In addition, it removes the identities and cultures of other countries and languages, making some people with no recognised history.

English can be both a blessing and a curse.